Report to: |
People Scrutiny Committee
Date of meeting:
17 March 2025 |
By: |
Deputy Chief Executive
Title: |
Call-in: decision made by Cabinet regarding the proposal to reduce the funding for the Housing-Related Floating Support Service
Purpose: |
To allow the Committee to consider the call-in in relation to the decision by Cabinet regarding the proposal to reduce the funding for the Housing-Related Floating Support Service |
RECOMMENDATION: The People Scrutiny Committee is recommended to consider the call-in in relation to the decision taken by Cabinet on 25 February 2025 regarding the proposal to reduce the funding for the Housing-Related Floating Support Service and decide what action, if any, to take.
1 Background
1.1 The decision made by Cabinet on 25 February 2025 in relation to the proposal to reduce the funding for the Housing-Related Floating Support Service, was called in by five Members of the People Scrutiny Committee - Councillor Cross, Councillor Field, Councillor Lambert, Councillor Shing and Councillor Webb on 4 March 2025. A copy of the call-in request, specifying the grounds of concern requiring consideration by scrutiny, is at Appendix 1.
1.2 The Monitoring Officer and Scrutiny Manager reviewed the call-in request and considered that it was in accordance with the requirements of the call-in process set out in the East Sussex County Council Constitution.
2 Supporting information
2.1 On the 17 February 2025 a report to Cabinet setting out the outcome of a consultation on the proposal to reduce the funding for the Housing-Related Floating Support Service was published, with a recommendation to proceed with the reduction in funding for the service (Appendix 2).
2.2 The People Scrutiny Pre-decision Board met on 20 February 2025 to consider the proposal that was set out in the report. This pre decision scrutiny forms a key part of the scrutiny and decision making process. It affords scrutiny Members the opportunity to consider proposals and ask key questions of officers. This provides an important opportunity for the Members of the Committee to express their views to Cabinet. The summary of comments agreed by the Board that was considered by Cabinet on the 25 February as part of its decision making process is attached at Appendix 4 and formed part of the consideration by Cabinet. The Board discussed the responsibilities of a possible future unitary authority, including housing support; the impact of the proposal on partners, including the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector and districts and boroughs; and priority referrals, including care leavers.
2.3 The minute outlining Cabinet’s decision is contained in Appendix 3.
2.4 On the 4 March the call-in request was received and was based on the following areas of concern in relation to the decision:
· Did not sufficiently consider that in principle, the agreement that has been made between the District, Borough and County Council leaders in preparation for unitarisation processes, includes this: ‘…Decisions made by all sovereign bodies until vesting day [when the Unitary Authority takes control] will have the interests of future unitary council as an explicit consideration.’; and
· Whether the impact of the proposal on district and borough councils was sufficiently considered.
2.5 The People Scrutiny Committee has therefore been requested to consider these issues through the call-in process before a final decision is taken.
2.6 The Director of Adult Social Care and Health has provided information to the Committee in relation to the points raised in the call-in request (Appendix 5). In summary this sets out that while working principles have been drafted with the District and Boroughs regarding how we will work together, including having regard to having the interests of the future unitary as a consideration, these have yet to be considered through the Council’s decision making process and therefore does not form part of the Council’s policy framework; proposals for a unitary authority are still at formative stage, we do not yet know what proposals will be considered by Government (these will be submitted in September) and if agreed , the changes will not come into being for a number of years.
2.7 Although this proposal may impact other organisations including district and borough authorities, this impact was fully considered and that Cabinet paid due regard to the impact on external agencies when making its decision. The Committee may wish to seek further clarification from the Members who have expressed the concerns, as to any further information or evidence they have in support of the concerns that they have raised, set out at 2.4, which the Committee should consider and take into account.
2.8 The role of the People Scrutiny Committee is to consider the call-in in relation to the decision taken by Cabinet, and the additional information provided in response to the concerns raised, and decide whether to:
3. Conclusion and reasons for recommendations
3.1 The scrutiny committee cannot change the decision which, as an executive decision, rests with the Cabinet. The Committee’s role is to consider the points raised in the call-in request and decide what action, if any, it wishes to take
Deputy Chief Executive
Rachel Sweeney, Senior
Policy and Scrutiny Adviser
Tel. No. 07561267461